Asset Maintenance – Dashboard
Asset Maintenance (“Asset Maintenance”), is an all purpose asset and inventory management application. The application is meant as a tool to organize the internal inventory, keep track of and organize maintenance runs and organize specific tasks & activities. The application is connected to the accounting and warehouse applications, which it shares the fixed asset and inventory data with.
The application contains the following sections:
- Fixed Assets
- Search
- Fixed Asset
- Calendar
- Children
- Depreciation
- Fixed Asset Overview
- Geo Location
- Identifications
- Maintenances
- Products
- Registrations
- Standard Costs
- Maintenances
- Search
- Maintenance
- All Tasks
- Notes
- Parts
- Time Entries
- Task List (for the current user)
- Warehouse
- Search
- Warehouse
- Contact Information
- Inventory
- Inventory Items
- Inventory Transfers
- Locations
- Receive Inventory
- Warehouse Overview