Apache Camel is now available as an Enterprise Addon and it made your third-party software integration a whole lot easier! The Scipio Camel component adds a complete Apache Camel instance to Scipio, empowering you to use the broad variety of protocols supported by Camel to expose your services or use external services. Apache Camel is an extensible integration framework which transforms and routes messages from and to different endpoints. The supported protocols and APIs include AMQP, many Amazon Web Services, DNS, Filessystem, (S)FTP(S), Geocoders, Hadoop, IMAP/POP/SMTP, LDAP, JMS, MQTT, REST, SOAP, SSH and many others.
For a full list, visit: http://camel.apache.org/components.html
Using a simple domain-specific language (available as Java or XML dialect), you can now expose your internal Scipio service (e.g. creating an order on receiving an e-mail, adding new customers over the AMQP, etc.) over one or many of the aforementioned protocols. You can also use the Camel component to integrate external services into your business processes. Using an SECA (Service Event Condition Action), you could easily update your CRM data using the Salesforce API (using the camel-salesforce component) whenever a customer updates her/his shipping address. If you are interested in the addon, come reach out to us at the