
Scipio Admin

The Admin application is the main hub for all all system information and a great companion for system admins & developers . It is here that you can find:

  1. Server – Server & System information
    1. Memory allocation
    2. Log
    3. Cache-Settings
    4. Request-Overview
    5. Account Management
    6. List of components / applications
    7. Artifact information (List of available Screens/Requests)
  2. Entity Engine – Entity (database) information
    1. Entity List
    2. Data-Editor
    3. SQL-Processor
    4. Database-Performance Tests
    5. Connection/Pool Status
    6. Scipio Utility Services (Reload-Theme-Data, Create demo-Data)
  3. Service Engine – Service information
    1. Service List
    2. Job List
    3. Job Scheduler
    4. Service Scheduler
  4. Label Manager – Label information
  5. Geo Management – Geo location settings
  6. Development – Tools & Utilities
    1. Developer Documentation
    2. Layout Demo
  7. Import / Export
    1. XML Data Export
    2. XML Data Import
  8. Solr – Search engine configuration – a link to the Solr user interface