a screenshot of a client installation showcasing the openAI integration with customer service content

Enrich your online store with AI created content!

We are proud to announce the release of our new OpenAI addon for Scipio ERP! This addon is designed to make content creation easier, faster, and more cost-effective. The addon can be used to create product content, category content, product reviews, user interaction, and even generate pages and blog posts.

The addon integrates into all existing Scipio components and can be used to extend any form input fields. Editors can generate content based on the existing context and a predefined template. They can also choose to override the template with a custom prompt.

In a nutshell, this addon helps to save valuable time and money by freeing up content creators. Plus, the addon gives editors more control over the content they create, allowing them to customize it to meet their individual needs.

We are confident that this OpenAI addon for Scipio ERP will be an invaluable tool for content creators and editors alike. It streamlines the content creation process and helps you create quality content quickly and easily.


  • Fully integrated on installation and easy to configure
  • easy to use ChatGPT/OpenAI implementation
  • Can enrich any form input field with few lines of code
  • Supports predefined, productstore and use case specific templates
  • Supports the integration of context specific content (product/category or page information
  • Gives editors an option to override the template with a custom prompt

This post was auto generated by AI!